shooting attack

Ben Gvir's Condition for an Emergency Government

After Gantz and LIberman declared their agreement to enter into an emergency government, Ben Gvir announced that so long as they agree on the government's goals to crush the military and political power of Hamas, Otzmah Yehudit will welcome such a government.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


Israeli Cabinet: Flow of Electricity and Gas to Gaza to Be Cut Off

Israel’s Security Cabinet made the decision to stop the supply of electricity, fuel, and goods to the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu: “We have begun the offensive and it will continue unrestrained and without a stop until we reach our objectives.”

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23


Cabinet Discussions Continue: Prime Minister Convenes a Special Situational Assessment

Terror Attack in the South: The Prime Minister convened a special situational assessment in the Kiryah with Defense Minister Yoav Galant and senior defense officials

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23


Knesset Members Leave Work to Join the Reserves

MKs on the political right and left their parliamentary work, put on the uniform and joined up with reserve units, sharing pictures of themselves from the field.

JFeed | 08.10.23


The shops in the Huwara district were closed; The condition of the fighters has improved

Hours after the capture of the terrorist, the IDF announced this morning the closure of the shops in the Huwara intersection where a shooting attack was carried out last night. At the same time, the fighters who were wounded in Tulkarm were out of danger

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 06.10.23

Shooting Attack

Shooting attack near Avnei Hefetz, Golani patrol force eliminated the terrorists

Golani Reconnaissance Unit fighters, who were conducting an operation near the village of Shofa in the Menasheh Division, eliminated two armed terrorists who had fired towards an Israeli vehicle. Inside the vehicle, an M-16 rifle and ammunition were found

JFeed | 05.10.23

Residents of Meirav Entered Jilbun 

The residents of the kibbutz entered the Palestinian village as a response to the attacks

Not waiting for the police: Residents of Kibbutz Meirav in the Gilboa have decided to enter the nearby Palestinian village of Jilbun as a protest against a series of recent shooring incidents directed towards the kibbutz

JFeed | 01.10.23

The IDF Spokesman Clarifies

The IDF spokesman clarifies: No shooting was carried out at Hamra Junction

At the end of an inspection by the security forces, it was found that no shots were fired from a passing vehicle at Hamra Junction. An IDF spokesman said that it was a puncture in the wheel of one of the vehicles on the spot

JFeed | 26.09.23

Shooting Attack

Second shooting attack: terrorists fired from a passing vehicle in the Jordan Valley

Two shooting attacks within a few hours: terrorists opened fire from a passing vehicle at Hamra Junction. IDF forces began searching for the source of the shooting

JFeed | 26.09.23

Shooting Attacks

Within a few hours: three shooting attacks; There are no casualties

Three shooting attacks took place since the morning hours in the northern sector of Judea and Samaria, but in all cases there were no casualties. The security forces are conducting searches to locate the terrorists

JFeed | 24.09.23

'Feeling Abandoned'

The victim of the attack recounts the moments of horror: 'Feeling abandoned'

Yossi Dagan: "Start a military operation now. Bring back checkpoints. We will not be ducks in the range"

JFeed | 13.09.23

Huwara, Shooting Attack

The magnitude of the miracle is revealed

Achiad Liebman recounts the moments when he was shot at in the attack in Huwara: "I perceive that they are opening fire at us. Something like 30-40 bullets from an automatic machine. I was sure that I got hit by a bullet in the head"

JFeed | 13.09.23

"You are Responsible"

Dagan after the attack: "Prime Minister and Minister of Defense - you are responsible"

Chairman of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, responded to the shooting attack on Hawara Road and criticized the members of the government, saying, "You are responsible for Jews being shot here again and again. Do something already. Look at us in the eyes - we demand security"

JFeed | 12.09.23

Shooting Attack

Shooting attack in Hawara: two wounded in a minor condition

Two men in their 30s were injured in a shooting attack carried out by terrorists on the Hawara road. Medical teams were called to the scene, provided them with initial medical treatment, and transferred them to the hospital while they were fully conscious

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed | 12.09.23

Shooting on Mayoral Candidate

Suspects were arrested for shooting the mayoral candidate

For the first time openly, the Shin Bet announced that it assisted the police in the fight against crime in the Arab sector. This was after a joint operation in which three suspects were arrested in the shooting of the Nazareth mayoral candidate

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 06.09.23

Improvement in Gottlieb's Condition

There has been an improvement in the condition of the injured individual from the attack in southern Har Hevron

There has been an improvement in the condition of Aryeh Gottlieb, the gunshot victim from the attack near Har Hevron. He is breathing on his own, fully conscious, and further surgeries are expected for him

Sarit Shefek | 22.08.23

The Cabinet Will Meet

Following the attacks: the cabinet meeting will take place next week

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu decided to advance the scheduled security cabinet meeting, originally set for September 10th, to the beginning of next week. This decision comes in the wake of recent shooting attacks in which three people were killed

JFeed | 21.08.23

34 Terrorism Victims this Year

In eight months: the largest number of murders since 2014

The three people murdered in the last two days in the shooting attacks in Hawara and Mount Hebron raised the number of people murdered in terrorist attacks to 34, the highest number in a decade. There are still four and a half months left for 2023

Arye Yoeli, Srugim News | 21.08.23

Yesha Council Relates to Today's Attack

Head of the Judea and Samaria Council: "We demand that the government change course"

Judea and Samaria Council Chairman Shlomo Neeman responded to the shooting attack in the south of Har Hevron and called on the government to "change course and act with all the means at their disposal to damage the terrorist infrastructure and the terrorist authority"

JFeed | 21.08.23

The Reactions to the Attack

"The heart cries out": the reactions to the shooting attack in Har Hevron

In the political sphere, responses to the shooting attack in southern Har Hevron were voiced, calling on the government to take action against the terrorists in Judea and Samaria: "Another bloody attack that occurred solely due to the lack of required decisiveness: Judea and Samaria roads will no longer be a green route for terrorism"

JFeed | 21.08.23